Updated to 1.2
Please view this post for more info
Started using my plugin so sorry no short code examples 🙂
Regards Andrew @ Greenville Web
Main Functions
- Email address collection
- User redirection
- Auto-responder
- Lead collection
Easy Sign Up is a WordPress Plug-in that collects e-mail addresses and then redirects the visitor to a url.
The plug-in generates a customizable thank you email that’s sent to the visitor and the visitor’s email and name are sent to an email address of your choosing.
Possible use is collecting email address for a newsletter, or leads for your sales force before redirecting to a brochure.
Installation and Use
Demo- Download the plugin, http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/easy-sign-up/
- Upload the easy_sign_up folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
- Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
- Change the options under Tools >Easy Sign Up
- Use the following short code in your pages and posts:
- The title’s value is optional
- The short code
default title is “Easy Sign Up”

thank you for this plugin….I have been looking for this! I will like to know…where the short code will have t be posted for the form to show in my sidebar. thanks again!
Ben, I don’t think wordpress supports short code in the side bar with out tweaking the theme’s code; I found this article on how to get it done: http://englishmike.net/2008/07/07/wordpress-quick-tips-3adding-a-shortcode-to-a-sidebar-widget/
But I’ll add a side bar widget to my to-do list for the next update.
Re: shortcode in the side bar widgets
Just add this to your functions.php file:
add_filter(‘widget_text’, ‘do_shortcode’);
See: http://digwp.com/2010/03/shortcodes-in-widgets/ for more info
I found the easiest fix of all and since everyone here was so helpful in posting fixes they came across for the ShortCode issue in the WP sidebar…I decided to share the Super Easy Fix I found… http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/sidebar-shortcodes/ <==Install that plugin, put your short code in a widget TEXT (Arbitrary text or HTML) and it's all working with ease.
It would be great if this plugin came with instructions to get this one http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/sidebar-shortcodes/ or automatically did the same exact thing this one did in addition to the mailing list compatibilities.
Either way I am very, very thankful. Keep up the GREAT WORK!
L. Childs
Thanks Lyon!
Great plugin. Any possible way to parse the person’s name to the redirected page to make it more personalize?
Mario, I’ll add that to the first update.
Is there a way to resize for my site? Cant find it in the edit code. Please advise. Thanks.
Wesley the sign up form is in an un-styled table, your themes’ css should step in a apply its default table and form formatting.
how can I add a comment box?
Thank you! Great Plug in!
Hi Kenji, not sure what you meant about “a comment box”?
A extra box where people can write comments on it, and I can get them on my email.
Because the actual plug in only has Email and Name so I would like to add a new one that say Comments.
Thank you!
Kenji, This plug in is just meant to be a very simple sign up and redirect. I don’t plan to add a comment box, but I can suggest the Contact Form 7 plug in at http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/contact-form-7/
Hi – I was testing the plugin and redirected it to a test site. Then when i wanted to change it to the actual final site it STILL redirects to the first site. Even when I delete the plugin from wordpress and reinstall when i open the options it still has my original information I put in. So clearly it has cached this info – how do I clear this – Thanks. robin
Hi Robin – Sorry you had trouble with the plug in.
To answer you question:
When you remove the plug in it does not remove the its options data from wordpress’s database.
To manually remove the options you’ll need access to the database, I am assuming you use a administration tool like phpMyAdmin.
If you have the default installation of wordpress and did not rename the table prefix during the setup from wp_ look for the table called wp_options then you’ll find the following fields from the plug in:
here is the SQL to automate that for you:
SELECT * FROM wp_options WHERE option_name LIKE '%easy_sign_up_%'
From there you’ll be able to delete the options.
Just tested in WordPress 3.0, Beta 1 and it works great!
Hey Raw,
I can’t get mine to work.
My theme already has the: add_filter(‘widget_text’, ‘do_shortcode’);
included since I am using it on the sidebar. It seems to work fine. but I dont get the email notification of the new sign up nor the thank you email…
Any ideas. I would appreciate it!
Didn’t mean to misspell your name. My Apologies.
no worries Gary. Rew
Hi Gary, here are few troubleshooting actions you can take.
Great plug in!
Small issue. I am trying to use it on the sidebar. It seems to work properly, however I never get the email notifications for each new sign up.
Any ideas?
see comment above
I’m new to WP and PHP. Would this work if I added it to the short code to my header.php file? I’d like it to show up in my nav menu. Thanks!
Hi Julie, to parse a short code wordpress uses a filter hook, for page headers and footers there are no general filters.
If you would like I can customize the plugin for your theme, just shoot me an email to rew(at)
The Styling is not coming out right for some reason, can you help? I love the redirect and do not want to delete.
Hi Michelle, the plug-in should just default to the styling of your theme’s css.
If you could be more specific in what you need maybe I can help you out 🙂 Cheers Rew.
Plugin could not be activated because it triggered a fatal error.
Fatal error: Call to undefined function plugin_dir_url() in /***/wp-content/plugins/easy-sign-up/easy_sign_up.php on line 27
Tavi, what version of WordPress are you using? plugin_dir_url is a wordpress function so updating your install should solve the problem.
Help. I’ve downloaded the plug in, installed it in the usual way, attempted to activate it, and I get this error message “The plugin does not have a valid header.” I have no idea what this means. I know NOTHING … ZIP, ZILCH etc. about website back end stuff but I’d appreciate some help. Where might I find this missing header and when I do find it, where do I put it?
Update from Gary: Fixed! Here’s what I did: I used the search function in the Dashboard and loaded the plug in directly from WordPress (rather than download it from my Mac) and the damn thing installed in a snap!
Thanks again.
Gary B.
Cute little plugin. Very configurable. I do have a question though. I would like to install it twice, (and thus have the config page twice and two formsets that know to wihich instance they belong as well). Would that be easily possible?
The thruth is that I want to use it in two languages. But makin it multi-lingual wouldn’t really be a fair question, lookin at the work that’s involved for that 🙂
Thanx again!
Hi Gerard, currently there is no easy way to install it twice, but I am planing on simplifying it in the next iteration.
The plan is to let the users set up an options override in the short-code.
For example:
I will look at the WP codex and see what’s entailed in making it multi-lingual.
Hi again,
I’ll keep on the lookout for updates. Goodluck with it! Although python is my preferred coding language, should you want somebody to test it or have questions. Feel free to send me an email.
Love the ease of this plugin. One problem: Once published on the page, the sign up fields are cut off. You can still enter your entire name and email, but you can’t see the whole thing. Only shows about 5 spaces. And, the “send” button is slightly cut off too. Shows up as “sen”. How can I lengthen the boxes so they look like the screen capture on this website?
Hi Lisa, the form is in an un-styled table and should be styled by your wordpress theme’s css. Post a link and I’ll have a look a what could be getting in the way.
Hi….the plugin is perfect for what I need. However, I have updated to WordPress 3 and am using Atahualpa Theme. When the plugin is activated I cannot make any changes to the site…..change size of font, etc. I have to deactivate the plugin, make the changes and then activate. Any suggestions?
Hi webizm – I installed the theme to troubleshoot the issue, it looks like the theme’s options form is submitting it’s self to the easy signup plugin’s options page.
I don’t have the time to look further into the Atahualpa theme’s code right now but if anyone else wants to feel free to comment here.
I tried changing the theme and the same thing happens. Do you think it has something to do with upgrading to WordPress 3?
Is possible to add the following options to this plug-in?
1. Enter your phone # here
No plans to expand the form
Sorry….I am not sure where to add the
1. Enter your phone # here
Where do I add it?
Using your excellent new plugin for newsletter sign up. Thank you. It’s working great on a designated page.
Now, attempting to place the form onto the index page above the posts inside of a css box. My css has no table or form styling.
I’m unable to do 2 things: 1)reduce size of form ;and 2) add left padding. Top padding is effective, but left padding is not.
Thanks in advance for any advice.
Hi Kelly, try and customize the following css:
Thank you very much Green Web. That does make the form shorter, etc. However, it does change the form in both places so I kept my own ID for the form on the index page and attempted to use it to modify only the index page. Then your form would still be full sized & un-padded on the Newsletter page. My idea is not working. Here’s what it looks like:
#easysignupform #easy_sign_up table {
font-size: 9px;
#easysignupform #easy_sign_up_name,
#easysignupform #easy_sign_up_email {
width: 50px;
#easysignupform #easy_sign_up table tr, #easysignupform #easy_sign_up table td {
padding: 0px 0 0 10px;
If I make a change to one of the links in the sidebar, the system defaults to the Easy Sign Up settings page and also returns all the settings back to the default ie removes all my own settings, including the URL for the redirect page and the content of the email.
Sue are you using a plug-in for your side bar or is this happening in the themes settings or is it happening to a workpress widget?
also what version of wordpress are you using?
I’m using WordPress 3; The links facility is part of WordPress itself but is transferred to the sidebar as a Widget (it’s titled ‘Sue’s Portfolio’). I’m using one of the two themes which comes as standard with WordPress 3. I hope that answers your questions. I can create new links without problem – it’s only if I try to edit them that it goes squiffy!!
In fact, it prevents links from being edited/updated.
I’m having a problem with the form – when i submit one I get a blank page here:
I chmoded the file to 755 to see if that helped but it didn’t.
I’m using the latest wordpress. Any help is appreciated!
Hi Rob did you install via the WordPress Plugin System?
Hi – Yes I did install via the plugin system but I found my problem, or at least a solution – i just created a thank you page in wordpress then set up the redirection URL in the plugin settings. It works now.
But thanks for the quick response!
to me it doesn’t appear like in your screenshot… how i can do?… also the box where i put the link it’s little bit smaller than you plug than between the two box (name and email) there a space and Required is inside up the SEND BUTTON..
Also there is problem if you have installed SI CAPTCHA Plugin.. no error only having off SI CAPTCHA Plugin!
if you wanna see the page cause now is off line.. i send you guest password and id for enter like subscriber and see what i mean!
Que Cosa? Don’t forget this is a free plug in – pay me and I’ll fix you site but don’t complain if something you get for free has no “”happy ending”
OK you have a nice plugin… say to me the FEE for the fix.. i send you the money.
I think that is not productive to create something that never could be improved if this thing is useful, and have some problem to fix. you dont think so?
sorry but this forum is for what.. just for say NICE PLUGIN or IT DOESNT WORK???
Come on? i think that if you have a forum for the plugin is for fix evenctually problem! or not?
Stefano the plugin is working for many people, I am sorry you are having problems but please remember it’s free and if you don’t want to use it don’t.
Where i find the contact that subscribe the form???
I have to install other plugin?
The contant name and email address are in the email sent to you by the form. Just look in the body of the message for that info. Also check that your spam filter are not removing the email.
Finally check that the wordpress General Settings e-mail address is set up to go to you as it is this address that the plugin sends the sign up confirmation to.